CActionBase | Holds a base class that all action classes will be derived from |
CAdvanceHeadMove | A derived class which performs an advance head move, causing the head of a worm in a off-diagonal configuration to advance in imaginary time |
CAdvanceTailMove | A derived class which performs an advance tail move, causing the tail of a worm in a off-diagonal configuration to advance in imaginary time, resulting in a shorter worm |
CAzizPotential | Computes the value of the semi-empircal Aziz potential that is known to be accurate for He-4 |
CBipartitionDensityEstimator | Compute density inside film and in bulk separately for Excluded volume potentials |
CBisectionMove | A derived class which performs a bisection move, which exactly samples the kinetic action |
CCenterOfMassMove | A derived class which performs a simple displacement of the center of mass of the entire wordline for a particle |
CClassicalMonteCarlo | Pre-equilibration via classical Monte Carlo |
CCloseMove | A derived class which performs a close move, creating a diagonal world line configuration |
CCommunicator | Performs input/output |
CConstantParameters | Constant simulation parameters |
CContainer | The base class which holds details on the generalized box that our system will be simulated inside of |
CCylinder | A three dimensional cylinder with fixed boundary conditions in the x and y directions and periodic boundary conditions in the z direction |
CCylinderEnergyEstimator | Computes the total energy via the thermodynamic estimator |
CCylinderLinearDensityEstimator | Computes the density as a function of distance along the cylinder axis |
CCylinderLinearPotentialEstimator | Compute the effective linear potential along the axis of the cylinder |
CCylinderNumberDistributionEstimator | Computes the probability distribution function for the number of particles |
CCylinderNumberParticlesEstimator | Computes the average number of particles, as well as density |
CCylinderOneBodyDensityMatrixEstimator | Compute the one body density matrix n(r) which can be used to find the momentum distribution function and structure factor |
CCylinderPairCorrelationEstimator | Compute the two-body pair-correlation function, g(r) ~ <rho(r)rho(0)> |
CCylinderRadialPotentialEstimator | Compute the effective radial potential in a cylinder |
CCylinderSuperfluidFractionEstimator | Compute the superfluid fraction, as well as the winding number probability distribution |
CDelta1DPotential | Computes the effective potential from the exact two-body density matrix for delta interactions in 1D |
CDeltaPotential | Computes the potential energy for delta function interaction potential, approximated here as the limit of a Cauchy distribution |
CDiagonalFractionEstimator | Compute the fraction of time we spend in the diagonal ensemble |
CDipolePotential | Computes the potential energy for polarized electrical dipoles with strength D in reduced units where lengths are measured in units of a = m D / \hbar^2 and energies in units of \hbar^2 / m a^2 |
CDisplaceMove | A derived class which performs a simple single slice displacement move |
CDoubledEstimator | Base class for estimators that use two paths |
CEndStagingMove | |
CEnergyEstimator | Computes the total energy via the thermodynamic estimator |
CEntPartEstimator | Computes the Swap Estimator between two paths |
CEstimatorBase | The base class that all estimator classes will be derived from |
CFactory | An abstract factory class which creates new object instances based on a string descripter and constructor signature |
CFactory< BaseType(ParamType...)> | |
CFile | A basic input/output file class |
CFixedAzizPotential | Computes the potential energy resulting from a series of fixed helium atoms that are not updated and provide a static 'external' potential |
CFixedPositionLJPotential | Returns Lennard-Jones potential between adatoms and fixed postions in FILENAME |
CFreePotential | Free potential |
CGasparini_1_Potential | Computes potential energy for Gasparini potential |
CGrapheneLUT3DPotential | Returns van der Waals' potential between a helium adatom and a graphene sheet using summation in reciprocal space |
CGrapheneLUT3DPotentialGenerate | FIXME Returns van der Waals' potential between a helium adatom and a graphene sheet using summation in reciprocal space |
CGrapheneLUT3DPotentialToBinary | FIXME Returns van der Waals' potential between a helium adatom and a graphene sheet using summation in reciprocal sp |
CGrapheneLUT3DPotentialToText | FIXME Returns van der Waals' potential between a helium adatom and a graphene sheet using summation in reciprocal sp |
CGrapheneLUTPotential | Returns van der Waals' potential between a helium adatom and a graphene sheet using summation in reciprocal space |
CGraphenePotential | The smooth non-corregated version of the helium-carbon nanotube potential |
CHardCylinderPotential | Computes the value of the external wall potential for a hard-walled cylindrical cavity |
CHardRodPotential | Computes the effective potential from the exact two-body density matrix for hard rods in 1D |
CHardSpherePotential | Computes the effective potential from the exact two-body density matrix for hard spheres in 3D |
CHarmonicCylinderPotential | Computes the potential energy for an external harmonic potential with axial symmetry |
CHarmonicPotential | Computes the potential energy for an external harmonic potential |
CInsertMove | A derived class which performs an insert move, creating an off-diagonal world line configuration with a single worm |
CIntermediateScatteringFunctionEstimator | Compute the intermediate scattering function F(q,\tau) |
CJastrowWaveFunction | Implementation of a Jastrow trial wave function suitable for He |
CKineticEnergyEstimator | Computes the total energy using a mixed estimator |
CLiebLinigerWaveFunction | Implementation of a Jastrow trial wave function suitable for He |
CLinearParticlePositionEstimator | Create a 1d histogram of particle positions in the z-direction |
CLJCylinderPotential | Computes the value of the external wall potential for a cylindrical cavity |
CLJHourGlassPotential | Computes the value of the external wall potential for an hour-glass shaped cavity |
CLocalAction | A base class to be inherited by actions that are local in imaginary time |
CLocalPermutationEstimator | Particle permutation number density histogram |
CLocalSuperfluidDensityEstimator | Compute the local superfluid density |
CLookupTable | The particle (bead) lookup table |
CLorentzianPotential | Computes the potential energy for delta function interaction potential, approximated here as the limit of a Cauchy distribution |
CMidStagingMove | |
CMoveBase | The base class that all moves will be derived from |
CNonLocalAction | A base class to be inherited by actions that are non-local in imaginary time |
CNumberDistributionEstimator | Computes the probability distribution function for the number of particles |
CNumberParticlesEstimator | Computes the average number of particles, as well as density |
COneBodyDensityMatrixEstimator | Compute the one body density matrix n(r) which can be used to find the momentum distribution function and structure factor |
COpenMove | A derived class which performs an open move, creating a worm with a well defined head and tail |
CPairCorrelationEstimator | Compute the two-body pair-correlation function, g(r) ~ <rho(r)rho(0)> |
CParameters | Simulation Parameters |
CParticleCorrelationEstimator | Computes the average position of each particle in 1D at the center time slice |
CParticlePositionEstimator | Create histogram of particle positions |
CParticleResolvedPositionEstimator | Computes the average position of each particle in 1D at the center time slice |
CPath | The space-time trajectories |
CPathIntegralMonteCarlo | The main driver class for the entire path integral monte carlo program |
CPermutationCycleEstimator | Computes the particle permutation cycle probability distribution |
CPIGSOneBodyDensityMatrixEstimator | Compute the one body density matrix n(r) which can be used to find the momentum distribution function and structure factor |
CPlaneAreaSuperfluidDensityEstimator | Compute the radially averaged local superfluid density |
CPlaneAverageExternalPotentialEstimator | Create a 2d histogram of particle positions but only store the average |
CPlaneParticleAveragePositionEstimator | Create a 2d histogram of particle positions but only store the average |
CPlaneParticlePositionEstimator | Create a 2d histogram of particle positions |
CPlaneWindingSuperfluidDensityEstimator | Compute the radially averaged local superfluid density |
CPlatedLJCylinderPotential | Computes the value of the external wall potential for a plated cylindrical cavity |
CPositionEstimator | Computes the average value of the position in 1D |
CPotentialBase | The base class from which all specific potentials are derived from |
CPotentialEnergyEstimator | Computes the potential energy along the worldline |
CPrism | A NDIM-dimensional hyperprism with periodic boundary conditions |
CRadialAreaSuperfluidDensityEstimator | Compute the radially averaged local superfluid density |
CRadialDensityEstimator | Compute the density as a function of position in the radial direction |
CRadialWindingSuperfluidDensityEstimator | Compute the radially averaged local superfluid density |
CRecedeHeadMove | A derived class which performs a recede move on the head, causing a worm head to propagate backwards in imaginary time by removing beads and links |
CRecedeTailMove | A derived class which performs a recede move on the tail, causing a worm tail to propagate backwards in imaginary time by adding beads and links |
CRemoveMove | A derived class which performs a remove move, creating a diagonal world line configuration by destroying a single worm |
CSechWaveFunction | Implementation of the Psi_T = sech(a*x) trial wave function suitable for the simple harmonic osscilator |
CSetup | Setup the simulation |
CSingleWellPotential | Computes the potential energy for an external single well potential |
CStagingMove | A derived class which performs a staging move, which exactly samples the kinetic action |
CStaticStructureFactorEstimator | Compute the static structure factor S(q) |
CSubregionOccupationEstimator | Computes the imaginary time resolved "velocity" for the first particle |
CSuperfluidFractionEstimator | Compute the superfluid fraction, as well as the winding number probability distribution |
CSutherlandPotential | Computes the potential energy for the periodic Sutherland model which approximates long-range 1/r^2 interactions on a ring |
CSutherlandWaveFunction | Implementation of the Sutherland model exact wavefunction |
CSwapBreakMove | |
CSwapEstimator | Computes the Swap Estimator between two paths |
CSwapHeadMove | A derived class which performs a swap head move, which mixes up worldlines by reconnecting the worm head and is essential for systems with permutation symmetry (such as bosons) |
CSwapMoveBase | A derived class which forms the base of a swap head and swap tail move class |
CSwapTailMove | A derived class which performs a swap tail move, which mixes up worldlines by reconnecting the worm tail and is essential for systems with permutation symmetry (such as our bosons) |
CSzalewiczPotential | Computes the value of the semi-empircal Szalewicz potential that is known to be accurate for He-4 |
CTabulatedPotential | Pre-tabulated potential for complicated functions |
CThermoPotentialEnergyEstimator | Computes the total energy using a mixed estimator |
CTimeEstimator | An estimator which tracks the ammount of time between bins, summing them into a total at the end |
CTotalEnergyEstimator | Computes the total energy using a mixed estimator |
CVelocityEstimator | Computes the imaginary time resolved "velocity" for the first particle |
CVirialEnergyEstimator | Computes the total energy via the thermodynamic estimator |
CWaveFunctionBase | Holds a base class that all trial wave function classes will be derived from |
CWorm | Contains information on the worm |
CWormPropertiesEstimator | Compute various properties related to the worm in the simulation |