Path Integral Quantum Monte Carlo
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CActionBaseHolds a base class that all action classes will be derived from
 CAdvanceHeadMoveA derived class which performs an advance head move, causing the head of a worm in a off-diagonal configuration to advance in imaginary time
 CAdvanceTailMoveA derived class which performs an advance tail move, causing the tail of a worm in a off-diagonal configuration to advance in imaginary time, resulting in a shorter worm
 CAzizPotentialComputes the value of the semi-empircal Aziz potential that is known to be accurate for He-4
 CBipartitionDensityEstimatorCompute density inside film and in bulk separately for Excluded volume potentials
 CBisectionMoveA derived class which performs a bisection move, which exactly samples the kinetic action
 CCenterOfMassMoveA derived class which performs a simple displacement of the center of mass of the entire wordline for a particle
 CClassicalMonteCarloPre-equilibration via classical Monte Carlo
 CCloseMoveA derived class which performs a close move, creating a diagonal world line configuration
 CCommunicatorPerforms input/output
 CConstantParametersConstant simulation parameters
 CContainerThe base class which holds details on the generalized box that our system will be simulated inside of
 CCylinderA three dimensional cylinder with fixed boundary conditions in the x and y directions and periodic boundary conditions in the z direction
 CCylinderEnergyEstimatorComputes the total energy via the thermodynamic estimator
 CCylinderLinearDensityEstimatorComputes the density as a function of distance along the cylinder axis
 CCylinderLinearPotentialEstimatorCompute the effective linear potential along the axis of the cylinder
 CCylinderNumberDistributionEstimatorComputes the probability distribution function for the number of particles
 CCylinderNumberParticlesEstimatorComputes the average number of particles, as well as density
 CCylinderOneBodyDensityMatrixEstimatorCompute the one body density matrix n(r) which can be used to find the momentum distribution function and structure factor
 CCylinderPairCorrelationEstimatorCompute the two-body pair-correlation function, g(r) ~ <rho(r)rho(0)>
 CCylinderRadialPotentialEstimatorCompute the effective radial potential in a cylinder
 CCylinderSuperfluidFractionEstimatorCompute the superfluid fraction, as well as the winding number probability distribution
 CDelta1DPotentialComputes the effective potential from the exact two-body density matrix for delta interactions in 1D
 CDeltaPotentialComputes the potential energy for delta function interaction potential, approximated here as the limit of a Cauchy distribution
 CDiagonalFractionEstimatorCompute the fraction of time we spend in the diagonal ensemble
 CDipolePotentialComputes the potential energy for polarized electrical dipoles with strength D in reduced units where lengths are measured in units of a = m D / \hbar^2 and energies in units of \hbar^2 / m a^2
 CDisplaceMoveA derived class which performs a simple single slice displacement move
 CDoubledEstimatorBase class for estimators that use two paths
 CEnergyEstimatorComputes the total energy via the thermodynamic estimator
 CEntPartEstimatorComputes the Swap Estimator between two paths
 CEstimatorBaseThe base class that all estimator classes will be derived from
 CFactoryAn abstract factory class which creates new object instances based on a string descripter and constructor signature
 CFactory< BaseType(ParamType...)>
 CFileA basic input/output file class
 CFixedAzizPotentialComputes the potential energy resulting from a series of fixed helium atoms that are not updated and provide a static 'external' potential
 CFixedPositionLJPotentialReturns Lennard-Jones potential between adatoms and fixed postions in FILENAME
 CFreePotentialFree potential
 CGasparini_1_PotentialComputes potential energy for Gasparini potential
 CGrapheneLUT3DPotentialReturns van der Waals' potential between a helium adatom and a graphene sheet using summation in reciprocal space
 CGrapheneLUT3DPotentialGenerateFIXME Returns van der Waals' potential between a helium adatom and a graphene sheet using summation in reciprocal space
 CGrapheneLUT3DPotentialToBinaryFIXME Returns van der Waals' potential between a helium adatom and a graphene sheet using summation in reciprocal sp
 CGrapheneLUT3DPotentialToTextFIXME Returns van der Waals' potential between a helium adatom and a graphene sheet using summation in reciprocal sp
 CGrapheneLUTPotentialReturns van der Waals' potential between a helium adatom and a graphene sheet using summation in reciprocal space
 CGraphenePotentialThe smooth non-corregated version of the helium-carbon nanotube potential
 CHardCylinderPotentialComputes the value of the external wall potential for a hard-walled cylindrical cavity
 CHardRodPotentialComputes the effective potential from the exact two-body density matrix for hard rods in 1D
 CHardSpherePotentialComputes the effective potential from the exact two-body density matrix for hard spheres in 3D
 CHarmonicCylinderPotentialComputes the potential energy for an external harmonic potential with axial symmetry
 CHarmonicPotentialComputes the potential energy for an external harmonic potential
 CInsertMoveA derived class which performs an insert move, creating an off-diagonal world line configuration with a single worm
 CIntermediateScatteringFunctionEstimatorCompute the intermediate scattering function F(q,\tau)
 CJastrowWaveFunctionImplementation of a Jastrow trial wave function suitable for He
 CKineticEnergyEstimatorComputes the total energy using a mixed estimator
 CLiebLinigerWaveFunctionImplementation of a Jastrow trial wave function suitable for He
 CLinearParticlePositionEstimatorCreate a 1d histogram of particle positions in the z-direction
 CLJCylinderPotentialComputes the value of the external wall potential for a cylindrical cavity
 CLJHourGlassPotentialComputes the value of the external wall potential for an hour-glass shaped cavity
 CLocalActionA base class to be inherited by actions that are local in imaginary time
 CLocalPermutationEstimatorParticle permutation number density histogram
 CLocalSuperfluidDensityEstimatorCompute the local superfluid density
 CLookupTableThe particle (bead) lookup table
 CLorentzianPotentialComputes the potential energy for delta function interaction potential, approximated here as the limit of a Cauchy distribution
 CMoveBaseThe base class that all moves will be derived from
 CNonLocalActionA base class to be inherited by actions that are non-local in imaginary time
 CNumberDistributionEstimatorComputes the probability distribution function for the number of particles
 CNumberParticlesEstimatorComputes the average number of particles, as well as density
 COneBodyDensityMatrixEstimatorCompute the one body density matrix n(r) which can be used to find the momentum distribution function and structure factor
 COpenMoveA derived class which performs an open move, creating a worm with a well defined head and tail
 CPairCorrelationEstimatorCompute the two-body pair-correlation function, g(r) ~ <rho(r)rho(0)>
 CParametersSimulation Parameters
 CParticleCorrelationEstimatorComputes the average position of each particle in 1D at the center time slice
 CParticlePositionEstimatorCreate histogram of particle positions
 CParticleResolvedPositionEstimatorComputes the average position of each particle in 1D at the center time slice
 CPathThe space-time trajectories
 CPathIntegralMonteCarloThe main driver class for the entire path integral monte carlo program
 CPermutationCycleEstimatorComputes the particle permutation cycle probability distribution
 CPIGSOneBodyDensityMatrixEstimatorCompute the one body density matrix n(r) which can be used to find the momentum distribution function and structure factor
 CPlaneAreaSuperfluidDensityEstimatorCompute the radially averaged local superfluid density
 CPlaneAverageExternalPotentialEstimatorCreate a 2d histogram of particle positions but only store the average
 CPlaneParticleAveragePositionEstimatorCreate a 2d histogram of particle positions but only store the average
 CPlaneParticlePositionEstimatorCreate a 2d histogram of particle positions
 CPlaneWindingSuperfluidDensityEstimatorCompute the radially averaged local superfluid density
 CPlatedLJCylinderPotentialComputes the value of the external wall potential for a plated cylindrical cavity
 CPositionEstimatorComputes the average value of the position in 1D
 CPotentialBaseThe base class from which all specific potentials are derived from
 CPotentialEnergyEstimatorComputes the potential energy along the worldline
 CPrismA NDIM-dimensional hyperprism with periodic boundary conditions
 CRadialAreaSuperfluidDensityEstimatorCompute the radially averaged local superfluid density
 CRadialDensityEstimatorCompute the density as a function of position in the radial direction
 CRadialWindingSuperfluidDensityEstimatorCompute the radially averaged local superfluid density
 CRecedeHeadMoveA derived class which performs a recede move on the head, causing a worm head to propagate backwards in imaginary time by removing beads and links
 CRecedeTailMoveA derived class which performs a recede move on the tail, causing a worm tail to propagate backwards in imaginary time by adding beads and links
 CRemoveMoveA derived class which performs a remove move, creating a diagonal world line configuration by destroying a single worm
 CSechWaveFunctionImplementation of the Psi_T = sech(a*x) trial wave function suitable for the simple harmonic osscilator
 CSetupSetup the simulation
 CSingleWellPotentialComputes the potential energy for an external single well potential
 CStagingMoveA derived class which performs a staging move, which exactly samples the kinetic action
 CStaticStructureFactorEstimatorCompute the static structure factor S(q)
 CSubregionOccupationEstimatorComputes the imaginary time resolved "velocity" for the first particle
 CSuperfluidFractionEstimatorCompute the superfluid fraction, as well as the winding number probability distribution
 CSutherlandPotentialComputes the potential energy for the periodic Sutherland model which approximates long-range 1/r^2 interactions on a ring
 CSutherlandWaveFunctionImplementation of the Sutherland model exact wavefunction
 CSwapEstimatorComputes the Swap Estimator between two paths
 CSwapHeadMoveA derived class which performs a swap head move, which mixes up worldlines by reconnecting the worm head and is essential for systems with permutation symmetry (such as bosons)
 CSwapMoveBaseA derived class which forms the base of a swap head and swap tail move class
 CSwapTailMoveA derived class which performs a swap tail move, which mixes up worldlines by reconnecting the worm tail and is essential for systems with permutation symmetry (such as our bosons)
 CSzalewiczPotentialComputes the value of the semi-empircal Szalewicz potential that is known to be accurate for He-4
 CTabulatedPotentialPre-tabulated potential for complicated functions
 CThermoPotentialEnergyEstimatorComputes the total energy using a mixed estimator
 CTimeEstimatorAn estimator which tracks the ammount of time between bins, summing them into a total at the end
 CTotalEnergyEstimatorComputes the total energy using a mixed estimator
 CVelocityEstimatorComputes the imaginary time resolved "velocity" for the first particle
 CVirialEnergyEstimatorComputes the total energy via the thermodynamic estimator
 CWaveFunctionBaseHolds a base class that all trial wave function classes will be derived from
 CWormContains information on the worm
 CWormPropertiesEstimatorCompute various properties related to the worm in the simulation